"I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral persons. I was not speaking of association with immoral people in this world, or the covetous or thieves or idolaters. To avoid them, you would have to leave the world! What I really wrote about was your not associating with anyone who bears the title 'brother' if he is immoral, covetous, an idolater, an abusive person, a drunkard, or a thief. It is clear that you must not eat with such a man. What business is it of mine to judge outsiders? Is it not those inside the community you must judge? God will judge the others. " (1 Cor 5:9-13)
There is an expression, "Guilty by association!" This becomes subject to certain factors, as we learn more in detail of its circumstances and given situations. Jesus, himself, was accused by the religious of his day of eating and drinking with sinners. "John the Baptizer came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you say, 'He is mad!' The Son of Man came and He both ate and drank, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' (Lk 7:33,34) Everyone it seems has an opinion and freely expresses it. We must realize that Jesus ventured into this world and experienced this world with its beauty and ugliness and with humanity's virtues and vices. In doing so, His objective was for the deliverance, liberation, and restoration of fallen man. His association with sinners was to save from sin and not appease nor justify individuals in their sin. Zacchaeus, the tax collector experiences an epiphany and conversion. His repentance is, "I give half my belongings, Lord, to the poor. If I have defrauded anyone in the least, I pay him back four-fold. Jesus exclaims, "Today salvation has come to this house, for this is what it means to be a son of Abraham. The Son of Man has come to search out and save what was lost." (Lk 19:8-10)
How often we hear, "Who are you to judge me, who do you think you are?" Jude in his epistle challenges us, "Correct those who are confused; the others you must rescue, snatching them from the fire. Even with those you pity, be on your guard; abhor so much as their flesh-stained clothing." (Jude 22,23) No one but God alone can judge the human soul. "BUT" when those who are in error claim to be a Christian parade their support of sin in public, should there not be some form of admonishment?
Recently a fund-raiser was sponsored by a nationally recognized business club organization. It happened to have a "drag queen" theme! It was "intended" to be a night of entertainment and fun. The sign was colored in the rainbow fashion surrounded by individuals who identify themselves as Christians. They posed for their pictures in front of the sign, all smiling, as promotion of the event was endorsed with their full support. The objective in raising funds was honorable but the means by which raising the funding is questionable in light of today's social norms. I have no objections as to the event nor of its objective in raising financial funding, but what I do question is the intention and objective of those who profess to be Christian of their presence in light of their support. Many see themselves as Christians and some as liberators in need of bringing the Church into the 21st century, freeing us from restrictive and "out-dated" church laws. The Gospel has been so diluted and watered down that many believe and accept concepts contrary to what Scripture and the Church hold as truths.
The true structure of any nation is based upon the foundation of the family. Not only is the family the "original cell of society;" but marriage between a man and a woman with their children is the "normal reference point" in defining a family. (CCC 2202) The home of the family is called a "domestic church." (CCC 2204) In today's society, we see clearly an all-out attack upon the traditional nuclear family and especially in redefining marriage and family through legislative and judicial means all in the name of social and civil rights. People should have the right to make their choices. YET, you cannot legislate common sense, common decency, or Christian virtue.
What may have been considered fun and innocent with this fund raiser is a public endorsement of the support and promotion of its facade. It sends the wrong message to our community because "the end does not justify the means!" Our children and youth, not to mention adults, are now questioning their sexual identity. Seeing these Christian individuals parade themselves by association and participation with such activities is reprehensible. Promotion of this event was well publicized in advance. Where was the voice of our church leaders? Have we become so desensitized to sin that it is now acceptable? What message does this send to those who are struggling with themselves as to their gender identity? Many have collaborated with supporting this event through their silence, indifference, and omission of obligation and responsibility. Drag is not a crime but may be a stepping stone into spiritual misdirection. Society has many faces in America with the freedom to express yourself in conformity with law. As Christians, we are called to be witnesses in this world for truth and justice, however love of this world is often misconstrued with love of God. What message is being conveyed to those struggling with their identity in today's society? Families are being subjected to vicious attacks by an unseen adversary deceiving and manipulating humanity who willingly listen and carry out his schemes, especially with our children. Innocence and fun or deception and manipulation! God alone knows the heart and judges. Jesus came not to condemn but to save. I do not condemn, I only ask to look into your hearts in light of the Gospel and reflect, am I supporting and endorsing this event or challenging and inviting individuals into the open arms of our Christian family?
"So, turn from youthful passions and pursue integrity, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord in purity of heart. Have nothing to do with senseless, ignorant disputations. As you well know, they only breed quarrels, and the servant of the Lord must not be quarrelsome but must be kindly toward all. He must be an apt teacher, patiently and gently correcting those who contradict him, in the hope always that God will enable them to repent and know the truth. Thus, taken captive by God to do his will, they shall escape the devil's trap." (2 Tim 2:22-26) I know these people are good and upright individuals whose intentions are meant for good. I believe it was in poor judgment, although in ignorance or deliberate. Let us learn from its lesson.