An Ode To My Lord
You are Faith and with you is the Holy Spirit leading me to The Way, The Truth, The Life!
Maturing in the Holy Spirit Development and Growth
We will be examining our faith journey from living a natural life into living a supernatural life as a child of God, a “partaker of the divine nature!” We will explore the process and development from transition, through transformation, into conformity. “We are more than what we have allowed ourselves to become.”
Episode 02: Advent Mission Pt. 2
A journey of faith. God's revelation of the Annunciation to the Manifestation. The Word became Flesh. His birth. In this second part of a two-part mission, we go into depth about the second two candles on the advent wreath: The rose-colored candle of Joy / the Shepherds and the last purple candle, that of Peace / angels.
BONUS: New Year’s Day 2023
Wishing you a year of anticipated wonders and joy. Are you ready?
Episode 01: Advent Mission Pt. 1
A journey of faith. God's revelation of the Annunciation to the Manifestation. The Word became Flesh. His birth. In this first part of a two-part mission, we go into depth about the first two candles on the advent wreath: The Hope / Prophecy candle and The Faith/Road to Bethlehem candle.