Advent Week 3 - Joy
A journey of faith. God's revelation of the Annunciation to the Manifestation. The Word became Flesh. His birth. In this third part of a four-part mission, we go into depth about the third candle on the advent wreath: The rose-colored candle of Joy / the Shepherds.
Advent Week 2 - Faith
A journey of faith. God's revelation of the Annunciation to the Manifestation. The Word became Flesh. His birth. In this second part of a four-part series, we go into depth about the second candle on the advent wreath: The Faith/Road to Bethlehem candle.
Advent Week 1 - Hope
A journey of faith. God's revelation of the Annunciation to the Manifestation. The Word became Flesh. His birth. In this first part of a four-part series, I go into depth about the first candle on the advent wreath: The Hope / Prophecy candle .