Imitation Christian

What church do you attend and what political party are you affiliated with?

I find it remarkable in today's society that good and honest people, who identify as Christian, that is "Christ-like," embrace ideologies and doctrines that are contrary to Scripture! By their affiliation with such, are they not thus supporting its platforms and promotion of its agenda. "My people perish for lack of knowledge and want of understanding." Is that individual culpable for their ignorance? I have heard so many times, "I belong to that denomination or to a certain political party, but I don't agree or vote for what they espouse." An excuse is just a pretended reason and at this point a question arises, "Who are you trying to convince and how can you justify yourself before God for your decisions?"

"Those who abandon the law praise the wicked man, but those who keep the law war against him." (Pro 28:4)  Throughout human history, politicians and church leaders have compromised and capitulated when, instead of resisting and speaking out against such, have betrayed the cross of Christ. It is for self-interest that many have blindly forsaken themselves and thus are engaged in morally corrupting their flocks and constituents. "Like a troubled fountain or a polluted spring is a just man who gives way before the wicked." (Pro 25:26) In the religious and secular realms, self-preservation and interest more often wins out. Why? Persecution and possibly martyrdom! Some choose to stay engaged in order for reformation, while actively working to bring correction and restoration. Many choose to ignore the contradictions before them and justify actions. Results mean nothing to them.

"When the just are triumphant there is great jubilation, but when the wicked gain pre-eminence, people hide." (Pro 28:12) Where is the outcry of Christians on subject of the truths of the Scriptures? Is the interpretation of the Constitution being defined by wicked and perverted minds or by God-fearing minds with rightly formed consciences? Morality is now questioned within all ranks of society as to what is acceptable and what isn't. Political correctness is now the new norm, not Bible correctness. So called "traditional denominations" have now espoused sexual unions and actions as acceptable, even as to ordaining them to the priesthood and pulpits! Within the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government; elected and appointed individuals have abandoned their oaths as to the promotion of our country's welfare and security. "When the wicked prevail, crime increases; but their downfall the just will behold." (Pro 29:16)

Are we not a democracy, a republic with a representative form of government with its checks and balances, given with the foresight of our founding fathers? Then why are these people continually re-elected in government and individuals still attending churches in heresy and apostasy? "The evildoer is an abomination to the just, and he who walks uprightly is an abomination to the wicked." (Pro 29:27) Christians are under attack and being intimidated to be silent and not cause any controversy by being vocal and demonstrative by attracting attention. Our youth are being indoctrinated by a sick and wicked ideology of demonic proportion by the entertainment, media, educational, and to an extent, religious outlets. "Evil men understand nothing of justice, but those who seek the Lord understand all."(Pro 28:5)

The wicked speak of social justice and liberty, but the deception of the usage of words and terminology is greatly exaggerated and misleading. Our public schools are failing our children and with that our future. The nuclear family has so diminished as the original cell of society. The true shepherds of the Church should stand and fight the wolves ravaging the flock instead of running off in fear of loosing their "tax exemption" status. "Do not yoke yourselves in a mismatch with unbelievers. After all, what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common, or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What accord is there between Christ and Belial, what common lot between believer and unbeliever? Tell me what agreement there is between the temple of God and idols. You are the temple of the living God, just as God has said: "I will dwell with them and walk among them. I will be their God and they shall be my people. Therefore, 'Come out from among them and separate yourselves from them, ' says the Lord; and touch nothing unclean." (2 Cor 6:14-17)




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