Every generation makes and leaves their mark as to distinguish themselves from every other generation. From particular behavior in self-expression, such as theirs, is to be of shock value to the previous generations. This identity transcends every facet of society and from its culture, arises challenges within established norms and values. Just within the times of the 20th century we identify flappers, speak-easies, the Charleston with the "Roaring 20"s; the dust bowl of the Great Depression in the 30"s; the Greatest generation of the 40's, the baby-boomers (1946-1964) with beatniks and bongos along with crew-cut and flattop to bob and beehive hairstyles.
In the 1960's arose a clash between the Greatest generation and the Baby-boomers. Pope John XXIII calling for a New Pentecost in the Church was held from 1962 through 1965. In the same decade gave rise to a counter-culture expressing individual freedom and liberty from traditional religious norms. The peace-niks, hippies, make love not war, flower power, antigovernment, antiauthority, anti-military, anti-religion, free-sex, drugs, narcotics to Woodstock in 1969 in New York state. We also see the nation's conscience being forced to acknowledge social injustices as with civil rights, feminism, LBJ's great society, the Food Stamp Program, forced integration in public schools, etc. The seventies were turbulent with riots, civil unrest and clash of ideologies. The young with its social messages in their music and literature, clothing, men with long hair, bra burnings, draft card burnings clashing with its peers whose ideals differed from theirs with slogans like, "It's America - love it or leave it." From the 80's to present day, in every generation, challenges have arisen to hopefully make a better world for humanity. Unfortunately, good intentions are not always in the best interest of majorities and/or minorities. But for better or worse, society expresses itself with much influence from college and universities where professors and intellectuals pass their treasures and garbage to young impressionable minds which media and entertainment outlets help promote. So with today, God created two genders, male and female. Now society defines numerous genders and proudly parades it publicly and God help you if you express dissent! It is hard to distinguish at times men from women without a physical examination. Careful, you may be labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. So, what about tattoos and body piercing? Is there a message here?
You cannot go anywhere without seeing the phenomenon of tattoos and body piercing. From elderly to the youth, from sophisticated to simplistic, male or female or whatever you think you are, cultured and refined to crude and disparaging, from all walks of humanity; body expression has arisen to an extreme. Christians will cite Leviticus 19:28, "Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead and do not tattoo yourselves, I am the Lord." Yet, we find Bible verses where nose rings, earrings, were the custom even among the Hebrews. Some cite that circumcision is a form of body mutilation. The reality is this: "You are now saved by a baptismal bath which corresponds to this exactly (Noah's flood). This baptism is no removal of physical stain, but the pledge to God of an irreproachable conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 3:21) It's about the heart!
Because the human body is under the curse of sin and death, it is subject to decay. "Man thou art dust, from dust thou came and to dust you shall return" (Gen 3:19) Even if you have a sex change operation, your body disfigured through birth, accident, or intention; it will turn to dust eventually. Our hope is that we will be given a new glorified body without defect. We will be reunited with our bodies on the Final Day of Judgment. So why judge a person according to their appearance and personal choices! Many may be more genuine Christians than those attending churches. The body is temporal while the soul eternal! God alone judges the soul, not you or I. What may become of this present generation's identity compared to the characteristics of the upcoming one? There is a Great Circle of Life that has a tendency to evolve back to its innocence through a yearning for truth and goodness. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes. Be careful when judging, as Scripture says, "We entertain angels unawares!" (Heb 13:2) Christ Jesus still bears his wounds post-resurrection in his glorified body. Ask the apostle Thomas! Remember, "They shall see him face to face and bear his name on their foreheads." (Rev 22:4) We are marked by God as to belonging to him. How do you think we are marked? I may disagree with certain personal decisions, but it is their choice. We are called to evangelize, not condemn.